兒童館-跳潮 JUMPWAVE/5F


專業x安全x活力 適合3歲以上全方位運動空間


  1. 降低體脂
  2. 多元化的鍛鍊
  3. 減緩膝蓋衝擊力
  4. 舒緩壓力
  5. 促進血液循環
  6. 訓練各年齡層平衡感


周一到週五 13:00-21:00

周六及週日 10:00-20:00



項目 售價
兒童蹦床單人票 單次250元/hr
兒童蹦床親子票 單次400元/hr
兒童滑板單人票 單次250元/hr
兒童滑板初級體驗課程 700元


  1. 本館限制3歲以上兒童使用。(使用時需家長/教練陪同,以免發生意外)
    Children under 3 years old are not allowed to enter. (Children require parents or coaches’ guardian to avoid accident).
  2. 進入本館務必穿著止滑襪,止滑係數須達75%以上。關於止滑襪可自備或現場可購買。
    Please wear anti-slip socks with an anti-slip coefficient of more than 75%.About anti-slip socks, you can bring your own or buy it on site.
  3. 入場禁止攜帶尖銳及易碎物品、食物、飲料、口香糖等。
    Do not carry sharpened objects, fragile objects, food, drinks, and chewing gums.
  4. 請勿嘗試超越自身能力之動作,如造成傷害須自行承擔風險。
    Do not attempt to do any actions which exceed your limitation, any damages lie at your own risk.
  5. 失去平衡時,請以「坐、趴、躺」等姿勢保護自身安全。
    When losing balance, please lay down or sit down to protect yourself.
  6. 海綿池請勿逗留嬉戲,池內有人時禁止跳入以免造成危險。
    Do not stuck around the sponge pool and be cautions when jumping into the sponge pool.
  7. 前空翻跳入海綿池時,雙膝務必張開,並請勿後空翻跳入海綿池。
    Knees open when jumping into the pool. Do not backflip into the sponge pool.
  8. 攀岩區請勿嬉鬧、禁止於他人下方逗留、禁止橫向跨越區域。
    Do not stay under the rock climbing area, neither cross horizontally at the area.
  9. 於攀岩牆跳下時,雙腳打開跳入。
    When jump into the rock climbing area, keep your feet open.
  10. 請勿抓防護網、禁止攀爬斜板、單腳彈跳。
    Do not grab the protective net, climb on the slide surface, try one foot jump on the trampoline.
  11. 禁止多人同時使用一張彈跳床。
    One person per trampoline at one time.
  12. 禁止在場內玩摔角、碰撞他人、加倍對方彈力等。
    Fighting, wresting, bumping to other people and bouncing to other people’s trampoline is prohibited inside the facility.
  13. 請勿於保護軟墊上逗留聊天,並請勿於彈跳場內休息或睡覺。
    Do not stay at the protective cushion area, and do not rest or sleep at the trampoline area.
  14. 未經中心許可,禁止照相、攝影、錄音、張貼或懸掛海報、旗幟、標語等。
    Photography, videography, poster hanging, flag hanging, labeling and other such behaviors are not allowed unless approved by the center.
  15. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或工作人員說明為準。若未能配合管理者,現場工作人員將有權令其離場,倘有損害情形(包括但不限於設施、設備及商譽)發生,將視損害狀態求償。
    The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.

